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piquetes en el pecho

A qué son debidos los pinchazos en el pecho cuando se respira?
A qué son debidos los pinchazos en el pecho cuando se respira?
/ San José, Costa Rica. May, 2017. If you start to feel a pain on the left side of your chest, you may at the same time almost feel how your heart stops from fear. The idea of a heart attack is the first thing that crosses our minds when it starts to feel discomfort in that area of our body. However, there are many other causes to feel pain on the left side of the chest that are not directly related to a heart attack. Here we mention some of them, as well as the symptoms that they might have according to each one. However, remember that SIEMPRE is important to go to the doctor in any case of discomfort, as only a health specialist can accurately determine the true cause of a pain. Also, keep in mind that it is better to prevent and that a periodic medical control can even save your life.1. Infarction: the most common symptoms of heart attack, as well as pain or pressure on the left side of the chest, include pain that spreads through the arm, nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath. In this case, you must immediately go to the hospital, to have an electrocardiogram and other tests confirming the diagnosis. Also that, sometimes, insufficient heart may be silent and do not present symptoms, so it is important to be done periodically.2. Breast Angina: This condition occurs when there is a decrease in blood and oxygen to the heart. Generally, there is a pressure on the chest, as well as nausea and excessive sweating, symptoms very similar to those of the heart attack. If you experience it, it is important that you also go to a health center as soon as possible and that the relevant tests (such as one) be done to obtain a professional diagnosis.3. Muscle problems: the pointed in the chest, which seeks to intensify more when you change position or deep breathing, can be symptom of muscle problems. If the pain is constant, it is most advisable to go to the hospital to be properly valued. In that case, it will be known whether your case requires the care of a cardiologist effectively, or rather it is for the department of u .4. Pulmonary problems: if you feel a punch in your chest when breathing and lack of air, it may be a condition in your dreams. For example, an inflammation of the membrane covering them, a pneumonia or a pulmonary embolism. Because it is symptoms similar to those of a heart attack, it is important that you go to a health specialist in order to have the proper diagnosis.5. Pericarditis: This condition consists of an inflammation of the layer that covers the heart. The most common symptoms include chest pain that is relieved when you lean forward, fever, nasal congestion and body pain. Percarditis is usually benign, but requires treatment. It is therefore essential that you put yourself in the hands of a qualified doctor.6. Breaking the aorta: although it is not a heart attack, this condition may be equally dangerous. If the chest pain is radiated on the back, and if you usually suffer from high pressure, it is absolutely necessary that you go to a health center as soon as possible, as a retouching of the aorta may occur. Calling a doctor at home is not recommended, as tests (such as an echocardiogram) are needed that are only available in a qualified hospital. In addition, in the event that the aorta is actually broken, emergency surgery is often needed.7. Gastrointestinal conditions: if chest pain feels like burning, and occurs between half an hour and an hour after eating, it may be more related to a gastric problem such as acidity or reflux. In particular, when red meat has been consumed, high fat foods, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, red wine, coffee or citrus juices. However, remember that only one doctor can determine if it is actually a problem related to the digestive system, the heart or other part of your body. 8. Costocondritis: This condition is given when the cartilage that binds the ribs to the stern is inflamed. The classic symptom is a pain in the center of the chest that can be radiated on the back or stomach. Pain can increase when you breathe deep or cough, and decrease if you breathe quickly or keep rest. It is also possible that you experience greater sensitivity when pressing the area. Although this evil usually disappears on its own, you may need one and other tests to rule out other men. We remind you, once again, that SIEMPRE is important to consult with a health specialist in the face of any chest pain. Let us remember that pain is a message from your body that something is not well, so it is often vital to listen to the signs and give them immediate attention. At Biblical Clinical Hospital we have the best cardiologists, as well as the best specialists in all areas of health and the best technology to perform all relevant exams. For more information, or to request an appointment with any of the medical specialties, you can contact us at 2522-1000, at e-mail or via chat on the website Please comment CommentsStickiesLoviesPeople in this conversation Comments (1914) Post previous comments Guest - Enriqueta Hi. I feel chest pain and lying down as my posture hurts more, coughing and breathing also hurts more. It started yesterday only punctured and today is already constant pain21 Guest - Biblical Clinic Hospital Good morning, we contacted you by e-mail. 0 Guest - Luz Reyes Hla Looks I have a vast worrying concern for my husband to punch on the left side of the chest this happens all the more when he ingests liquor and in a state of drunkenness give him strong and he gets inflamed or he tends his chest on the same side is with a lot of pain and he doesn't pay attention to this but I'm worried he doesn't have to do16 Guest - Biblical Clinic Hospital Good morning, we contacted you by e-mail. 7 Guest - marcel doubront Greetings really give me a pain in the left chest area, I went to the doctor to take my pulse this in 80, the tension is in 12.09 electro salt very well, what I was diagnosed in the echo was 6mm stone in the kidney fat in the habit, although significantly lower weight I am a little obese but I do not understand why the pain in the chest and the feeling of tachycardia. Guest - Biblical Clinic Hospital Good afternoon, we contacted you by e-mail. 11 Guest - Mayra My chest hurts in the middle exactly, you don't want to breathe with this coronavirus, there are no hospitals that attend separately, my head hurts back is like I'm very stressed. 40 Guest - Isa Hi, my chest hurts a lot. I don't know what to do. I've got as16. Guest - Biblical Clinic Hospital Good afternoon, we contacted you by e-mail. 15 Guest - Pink A consultation and had on several occasions puncture pain in the left chest k made me jump from pain now I have chest fatigue as it was a symptom asmatic I would like to know if it is serious thanks28StickiesLoviesPatientsMost readed articles Silence WARNING Central phone: +506 2522 1000 Silence Fax: +506 22lica 7184 TEN Free consultation: Hospital 8000 911b© 2019 Rights Reserved. San José, Costa Rica. Development by: and medical emergencies: Serve Aware the following form: Submission Preview... 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Pre-Temporada Sports Assessment Directed to athletes Amateur and Elite.- The biggest problem that you currently have in athletes is that during the preparation of your sporting event recharges and injuries are given and should stop your training.- Trouble areas or vulnerable to previous injuries, will be evaluated to improve sports performance by accompanying the athlete during his preparation to the event he will participate. e.g.: Chicago Marathon, IronMan, etc. Correct focus of how to strengthen and rehabilitate the muscle and/or joint area for athlete protection during deportation. 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Breastfeeding Colic Treatment For newborn babies from 0 to 12 months: - Who present breastfeeding intolerances, colics, reflux and gases.- Accompaniment with pediatrician doctor in the process of adjusting to the baby's feeding.- Corrective maneuvers for constipation and teaching parents how to do it at home. Please disclose the following form: Previous submission... Frequently asked questions Is the card physical? No, it's virtual. In any service / product you already have discount included, apply the discount of this program? No, does not apply on other discounts Apply for the express service amount? No, the express service is performed with an external supplier therefore does not apply. What? If I attend to an emergency specialist consultation, what does the discount apply to? Apply the procedure discount, medications and doctors in that area that are within the program. Discounts apply if a customer has health insurance? It does not apply for medical insurance payments . 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What? What causes the chest pain that goes and comes? Breast pain may occur and decrease every few minutes or for several days. The cause could be related to the heart, changes, digestive system or psychological factors. The underlying causes of chest pain can be mild, as in the case of gastric reflux. Or they can be serious and indicate, for example, a heart attack. It is important to recognize warning signs and pay attention to the symptoms that accompany them. In this article, we explore the possible causes of chest pain that goes and comes. We also describe how to know when the pain is related to the heart and when to consult a doctor. Breast pain that goes and comes may be due to a problem with respiratory or digestive disorder or problems. This intermittent pain may indicate a problem with the heart, respiratory system, or digestion. In addition, in some people, it occurs during panic attacks. There is no way to accurately self-diagnose chest pain based on symptoms alone. Ask a doctor if the chest pain continues, worsens or is accompanied by other symptoms. It is unlikely that the pain that lasts weeks or months is caused by an emergency that puts life at risk. It is more likely that the problem has to do with skeletal changes or structure. Problems are less afraid of causing pain than: Many types of chest pain go and come. Even the pain of an attack could occur temporarily and then return. To better understand the cause of chest pain, pay attention to other symptoms and take into account the risk factors of medical conditions. Below we detail the common causes of chest pain: Gastrointestinal problems A variety of gastrointestinal problems can cause chest pain or near the ribs. For example: When one suffers from gastric reflux, chest pain becomes more intense after eating. In addition, it may get worse after considering alcohol or fatty food. If chest pain is suspected to be related to a stomach or liver problem, it is important to consult a doctor. However, this type of pain does not usually indicate an emergency. Muscle pain Muscle pain caused by tension, injury or chronic pain syndrome is usually the cause of chest pain. Symptoms of muscle pain in a great way. Pain could: Breast pain is more likely to be related to changes if:Panmar AttackPracticing deep breathing exercises can help advance a panic attack. Breast pain can be a scary symptom of a panic attack, and can make a person feel even more anxious. Pain may look like a stroke. Some people with panic attacks may feel like they're going to die. These attacks usually disappear by deep breathing. In some cases, they could last only a few minutes. If pain does not go away, it may be difficult to distinguish a panic attack from a suicide attack without the help of a doctor. Respiratory infection Respiratory infections can cause chest pain, especially when they also cause frequent ace. After a respiratory infection, people develop a condition called pleuresy. This condition is the inflammation of the pleura, which is the tissue that surrounds the outside of the living. Ask a doctor if the chest or nerve pain persists after a respiratory infection. AnginaAngina is pain or discomfort in the chest that occurs when the heart does not receive enough blood. People with angina could feel tension, pressure, or a sense of chest oppression. Pain can also be radiated to the jaw. The pain of angina is similar to that of a physical attack, and is also a risk factor for the condition. Angina is usually a symptom of coronary heart disease (CHD), which occurs when the arteries are obstructed. CHD is also a risk factor for a physical attack. Anyone who suspects this condition should consult a doctor. Attack clo Repentant and intense chest pain may indicate a stroke or a heart attack, which are the result of defective electrical impulses or blockages that prevent blood from reaching the heart. Warning signs of a stroke: Symptoms may differ by sex. Women tend to be more likely than men to experience nausea and dizziness, lack of breath and back or jaw pain, for example, and may not have the classic symptom of pain in the heart of the chest. A stroke is a medical emergency. If a person suspects that he or she suffers from an attack, or if he or she experiences any new and inexplicable chest pain, he or she must communicate with emergency services immediately. People with cardiovascular risk factors, such as CHD history of severe attacks, obesity or diabetes, are more at risk of serious attacks. Pulmonary Problems Pulmonary problems, including infections and pneumonia, can cause chest pain and shortness of breath. Pulmonary disorders are serious. Anyone who suspects one should seek medical care within 1 to 2 days. However, not being able to breathe or experience intense chest pain related to dreams is considered a medical emergency. MastitisThis refers to an infection in the breast tissue. Mastitis can be intensely painful. It can cause swelling, punctured or acute pain in the breasts or chest, as well as fever. Mastitis is common during breastfeeding. The infection may go away alone, although people require antibiotics or a hospitalization. Embolia Pulsera A pulmonary embolism is a blockage in a blood vessel that is directed to the nerves. An embolism occurs when a blood clot appears, often from the legs. If a person has a blood clot in a leg, he may experience pain in the area. Pulmonary embolisms can cause intense chest pain and shortness of breath. They're life-threatening medical emergencies. Breastfeeding This can cause chest pain and around the breasts. The following factors could be responsible: Some people experience pain in the breasts or nipples as the body adapts in the first weeks of breastfeeding. If the pain is mild and goes and comes, it's okay to wait for it to disappear. Talk to a doctor if the pain is intense or lasts several weeks. People with a history of heart disease may experience heart-related chest pain more often than others. Breast pain should be evaluated by a doctor. It is not always possible to self-diagnose the cause based on symptoms alone. Breast pain is more likely to be heart-related if a person has: It is unlikely that serious problems cause chest pain that: A doctor should evaluate any recurrent chest pain. If the pain continues to reappear, see a doctor within days. Breast pain that goes away may have been caused by a minor infection, a muscle spasm or a similar problem. Find emergency medical care if the pain: In most cases, chest pain is not caused by a suicide attack. However, immediate medical care can save life. Even when the cause is a minor problem, seeking immediate attention can eliminate any anxiety. Only a doctor can accurately identify the cause of chest pain, so it is essential to look for a diagnosis. Last medical review on June 8, 2020Most recent newsRelated coverage

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